Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Empowering Users of Health and Social care Services Essay

1.1.Influence of Organizational Policies and Practices by Current Legislation and Sector Skills Standards for Promoting and Maximizing the Rights of Users of Health and Social Care service3 1.2. Factors that May Affect the Achievement of promoting and maximizing the rights of users of health and social care service4 1.3 How communication between care workers and the individuals contribute to promoting and maximizing the rights of the users of health and social care service5 2.1. Factors that may contribute to Loss of Independence, non-participation and Social Exclusions for Vulnerable people6 2.2. Analyzing of organizational systems & processes which are managed to promote participation and independence of users of social and health care service6 2.3. Tension that Arise When Balancing the Rights of the Individual to independence and Choice against the Care provider’s Duty to Protect7 3.1. Use of Case Study 2 from a Health or Social care setting to identify the extent to which the individuals are at Risk of8 3.2. Effectiveness of Policies, Procedures and Managerial Approach within a Health and Social care setting for Promoting the Management of Risk8 4.1. Review of current Legislation, Codes of Practices that apply to the handling of medication8 4.2. Evaluation the Effectiveness of policies and Procedures within a Health and Social Care Setting for administering medication9 Introduction Empowerment has become one of the inseparable parts of the health and social care service. Zimmerman (1984) stated Empowerment as some of the multidimensional process that helps people gain control over their own lives. In order to practice and implementation empowerment, health and social care service personnel are required to work closely with the different service users of health and social care service. Different law and knowledge of the health and service can help the care staffs in empowering  the users of the service. For that reason the researcher will discuss about the different standards than can protect the rights of the users, factors that can influence these rights, impact of good communication between the care staffs and the users. In addition it will show a clear understanding about loss of independence and vulnerability, factors that can manage different vulnerability of the service users, different tensions in the health and social care, managerial approach which a re effective in health and social care service as well as different medication acts of UK which are practiced at present. 1.1. Influence of Organizational Policies and Practices by Current Legislation and Sector Skills Standards for Promoting and Maximizing the Rights of Users of Health and Social Care service Different service users are currently going in order to take different service provided by the personnel or care staffs of the health and social care service. For that reason the care staffs should provide better service for the physical and mental development of the different vulnerable users.They should be very careful to the users especially to the adults and the children aswell as to the disable people. Recently some changes have been made on Policies and Practices by Current Legislation and Sector Skills Standards which are very much useful for the users of the service. They have different influence on the users of the health and social care service for Promoting and maximizing their rights which are as follows: Under this amendment, Local Authorities (Las), Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCG s), The National Health Service Commissioning Board (NHS CB) and The Commissioners of health services have some rights. Now The will be able to make some direct donation or sponsorship for the personal health budget under different policies which will create a good impact on the users. If any sudden death to any child occurs then it must be informed to the NHS CB and to the CCG,It is a good sign. According to the mental capacity act 2005, there are different scopes of developing the physical and mental condition of the users by the care personnel. This amendment will give some monetary support to the poor and the needy people for treatment. Under this amendment NHS will practice some rights to give effective health and social care information for the betterment of different users. Different social and health care programs,  strategy and act will be formed for ensuring better service to the different service users. Under this amendment there will be scope of protecting different confidential information of the service users. According to Welfare food amendment regulations 2005, the CCCGs, NHS CB have different rights to provide some medicines to the service users and they will provide effective prescriptions to different users if needed. If any patient goes UK for treatment of different viral diseases from another country then no extra payment will be taken from him This amendment will ensure the rights of the children and the adults. Under this amendment, better service will be ensured to the users and their rights will be protected successfully. Theseamendments,Policies and Practices by Current Legislation and Sector Skills Standards will be very useful mode for Promoting and maximizing the rights of users of health and social care service. These are very user friendly amendments, policies and procedure 1.2. Factors that May Affect the Achievement of promoting and maximizing the rights of users of health and social care service New amendment has been made to the policies and Practices by Current Legislation and Sector Skills Standards,The Law Commission (2014) claimed that, different factors can affect the Achievement of promoting and maximizing the rights of users of health and social care service which are as fol lows: The National Health Service (Charges to overseas visitors) regulations 2011: According to this regulation, if any individual goes UK for treatment of any viral diseases he or she will not need to pay extra money. It can motivate the overseas patients to do treatment in UK. The residential family centers regulations 2002: Under this regulation if any children die in a residential area then certainly NHS CB and CCG will be informed about it. It will also protect the rights of the children and ensure better health. The care quality commission (Registration) Regulations 2009: Under this regulation it is obligatory to ensure the better care to the service user and it is necessary to inform about the death of a user to the quality commission. Crime and disorder regulations (2007): It will give protection to the different service users if any danger or vulnerability occurs to them. The student support Regulations 2011: This regulation will provide some monetary help and mental support to the students so that they can easily continue their study. Healthy start schemes and welfare foods amendment regulations 2005: This  regulation will ensure better health to the service users. It will also provide vitamin supplements along with different medicines free of cost. The national health care service (direct payments) regulations 2010: Under this regulation it will be possible to donate or sponsor financial help to the service users which will promote and maximize the rights of the users of health and social care service. Protection of the confidential information act (2006): It will protect the private information of the service users. These factors will provide a deep impact on the achievement of promoting and maximizing the rights of users of health and social care service. 1.3 How communication between care workers and the individuals contribute to promoting and maximizing the rights of the users of health and social care service Rosenbaum and Rotor(2013), explained different types of communication between care workers and the individuals are required to promote and maximize the rights of the users of health and social care service which are as follows: Two way dialogue: The care staffs should communicate with the users to know different information, health condition and mental capacity of the users. It can build an interpersonal communication which is necessary for getting the useful information about different rights of the users. Partnership between provider and client: The care staffs should treat the users in a way so that they think the staffs as their best partner in case of treatment. Atmosphere of caring: There should be an effective atmosphere of caring in the social and health care service. This will help the users to express different information which are necessary for the protection of their different rights. Verbal communication: It includes spoken or written words for expressing ideas and thoughts. It can establish a good relationship between the care staffs and the individuals>If the users express their different ideas then it will be very effective for the care staffs to be sincere about the different rights of the users. Non-verbal communication: Different non-verbal communication such as messaging, descriptive phrases can also be used for communicating with the service users. It will develop the understanding of the users which will be easy for the care staffs to protect different rights of t he users. Demonstrations of interest: Demonstration of interest can also be very effective way in case of building a sound relationship with the users. Effective demonstrations can help understand different needs, wants and  habit of the users which can contribute to promote and maximize the rights of the users of health and social care service. 2.1. Factors that may contribute to Loss of Independence, non-participation and Social Exclusions for Vulnerable people Different people face different types of vulnerabilities which have different impact on them. Different vulnerabilities can cause loss of Independence, non -participation and Social exclusions. These should be removed by the care staff of the health and social care service.Smith (2000) claimed some factors that may contribute to loss of independence, non-participation and Social exclusions for vulnerable people are as follows: Lack of opportunities to work: There are not sufficient opportunities of work for different people in the society especially for the adult people. They may think this as a negative factor. Little working opportunities can cause loss of independence, non -participation and social exclusions. Fear: There are many people in the society who feel fear for a little cause in many things. They cannot cope up with the different vulnerability which can occur to them. They often wants friendly environment. Too much Fear for many things can cause non -participation and social exclusions. Lack of education and skills: All persons have no same level of education and skills for doing something. For that reason, they may feel them as incapable in case of any participation that accelerates social exclusions. Childhood deprivation: Many people are deprived of many things from their childhood. This deprivation can contribute too many exclusions and non-participation. Disrupted families: The persons who are disrupted from their families can develop a strong vulnerability among them. They feel ashamed in case of participating in a social matter that can cause loss of independence to them. Inequalities in health: All people are not capable of maintaining same level of health and mental conditions. These factors can promote their loss of independence and non-participation. 2.2. Analyzing of organizational systems & processes which are managed to promote participation and independence of users of social and health care service Carr (2004), Stated differentorganizational systems & processes which are managed to promote participation and independence of users of social and health care service which are as follows: Message for policy and  practice: The care personnel can provide the useful information of health and social care service, different rights of the users, effectiveness of the treatment etc., so that people can learn more about the health and social care service which will promote participation and independence of users of social and health care service. Extent of Current knowledge: The laws, rights and policies changes over time. For that reason the staffs should provide updated information regarding health and social care service to accelerate the participation in these sectors. Training: Effective training programs and seminars should be arr anged frequently in order to promote participation. Different training can develop the skills and mental abilities of the users which can lead to a huge participation. Organizational commitment and responsiveness: Organizational commitment and responsiveness regarding the assurance of better services and environment should be increased by the care staffs. Strong commitment of good service can increase participation and engagement. Minimization of costs: There should be strong commitment of minimizing of costs in case of the service of health and social care service. If the service users can get the opportunities of low cost in the organization then their participation will automatically increase. Removing Personal barriers: Personal barriers can cause lack of participation in an organization. Different personal barriers can be removed by two way communication and increasing different support. Increasing support and network: If the users can get effective support from the care staffs then there overall participation will increase. Support and care are very much needed to the isolated people to promote participation and independence of users of socia l and health care service 2.3. Tension that Arise When Balancing the Rights of the Individual to independence and Choice against the Care provider’s Duty to Protect Different types of tensions may arise in case of balancing the Rights of the Individual to independence and Choice against the care provider’s duty to protect. These tensions need to be removed by health care staffs. Carr, (2010) Explained that these tensions include different rights of the users, their private information and many other things which are as follows: In health and social care service, there are different types of rights and duties of the service users that should be understood by the care staffs and protect them sincerely. If they fail to protect these then different conflicts may occur.  The users of the health and social care service have different realities that express their overall behavioral dispositions. If these are not understood correctly then tensions will occur. In case of disclosing any private information of the users the care staff should be very strategic so that it can do no harm to the users. If asking any types of confidential information can create any conflict then the staffs should avoid it because unauthorized person will get benefit. Rights of the adult person as well as the children should consider very sincerely. If there is any scope that the care personnel are facing problem in case of protecting the rights and duties of the children and the adult people then severe conflict and tensions will occur. 3.1. Use of Case Study 2 from a Health or Social care setting to identify the extent to which the individuals are at Risk of By using case study 2 it is possible to identify different extent to which the individuals are at risk of. These extents are as follows: As Mr. H is a patient of a hyperactivity disorder and regularly meets a psychologist. The psychologist has some responsibilities toward him. Mr. H should express different private information to him that should be protected by him otherwise any third party will get benefit. As a nurse is taking care of him, the nurse should be very careful and sincere to Mr. H. The nurse should co-operate with him successfully otherwise Mr. H will feel lonely and feel social exclusion. The care staffs should ensure the choice of Mr. H to visit to local market, cooking etc. otherwise his mental condition will not improve. As Mr. H has little bit aggressiveness to many people, the care staffs should improve this condition otherwise Mr. H will develop the sense of non- participation and social exclusions. 3.2. Effectiveness of Policies, Procedures and Managerial Approach within a Health and Social care setting for Promoting the Management of Risk Mayberry and Nice wander (2006) claimed some effectiveness of policies, procedures and managerial approach within a health and social care setting for promoting the management of risk which are as follows: Safety: If the safety can be ensured tothe health and social care service users then users will take it as a safe approach which can promote the management of risk. Timeliness: It services can be ensured  timely then it will be very attractive way of managing the risk. Efficiency: Success of the health and social care service mostly depends on the efficiency and the effectiveness of the service. It can promote the management of risk and ensures efficiency. Proper adherence to different regulations: Ensuring the duties and protecting the rights of the users by effectively following different regulations can be very effective way of promoti ng the management of risk. 4.1. Review of current Legislation, Codes of Practices that apply to the handling of medication Care Quality Commission (2014) explained about current Legislation, Codes of Practices that apply to the handling of medication in UK which are as follows: The medicines for human use (marketing) regulations 1994: According to these regulations, no one can sell medicine until he gets authorization from UK licensing authority. The medicines (Homeopathic) regulations: It ensures the effective use of the homeopathic drugs. The veterinary Drugs order 1984: According to this law, selling of medicines can be occurred if a recognized physician supervises veterinary drugs. The Pharmacy regulations 2008: These regulations state that some energetic pharmacists are very useful for pharmacy business of it focuses on creating some intelligent pharmacists. The prescriptions order 1997: This regulations claim that wholesalers or retailers can sell or market medicines if they take recognition from a recognized practitioner. 4.2. Evaluation the Effectiveness of policies and Procedures within a Health and Social Care Setting for administering medication The effectiveness of policies and procedures within a health and social care for administering medication can be evaluated by following ways: Under these policies and Procedures, no unauthorized person will be able to sell medicines until he gets authorization. It will protect drug abuse. Because of these regulations, people who feel comfort in homeopathic medicines will be encouraged to get them and these medicines will be available. These regulations will create some intelligent pharmacists so there will be specialization in pharmaceutical sector. These regulations will protect illegal trafficking of medicines. Under these regulations, people will learn to use prescribed medicine by recognized physicians. It will protect the use of harmful medicines and low quality drugs. Conclusions Empowerment in health and social care service has found a new form. Now the personnel in health and social service are very much careful about the empowerment of the users of the health and social care. This paper successfully described about different policies and regulations used in health and social care service,different factors that can maximize the rights of the users, different vulnerabilities and management of health and social care risks. Besides it gave a clear view about total empowerment process and critically analyzed the effectiveness of the empowerment by risk management and medication regulations of UK. References Bookman, A. and Morgan, S., (1984), Women and the politics of empowerment, Philadelphia: Temple University Press Care Quality Commission (2014), Legislation,, [available at], [accessed at May 28, 2014] Carr, S., (2004), Has Service User Participation Made a Difference to Social Care Services? , UK: Social Care Institute for Excellence Carr, S., (2010), Enabling Risk, ensuring safety: Self-directed support and personal budgets, UK: Social Care Institute for Excellence Mayberry, R. M and Nice wander, D. A., (2006), Improving quality and reducing inequities: a challenge in achieving best care,, [available at], [accessed at May 28, 2014] Rosenbaum, J and Rotor, D., (2013), Improving Interpersonal Communication between Health Care Providers and Clients, USA: Quality Assurance Project Smith, J. P., (2000), Policy Responses to Social Exclusion, UK: Open University Press The Law Commission (2014), Regulation of Health and Social Care Professionals,, [available at], [accessed at May 28, 2014] Zimmerman (1984), Empowerment: What Is It? ,, [available at], [accessed at May 28, 2014]

Faculty Association Management System Essay

INTRODUCTION Nowadays, several universities or schools are in of what we called rapidly growing technologies in our industry and LSPU is one of them. The researchers are proposing the Faculty Association Management System to provide faculty members an up-to-date information about FA. Faculty Association is an association of rank file faculty members or those not holding any managerial or confidential functions. The members of the Faculty association are the faculty members of LSPU from all external and satellite campuses. The software engineers proposed this system called, â€Å"Faculty Association Management System† (FAMS) to inform the faculty members on what is going on about their association. The system includes update of PDS, messaging, list of officials, financial status of the organization, membership, updates, financial transparency, campus election and security. This system is not only for LSPU-Siniloan campus but also to all satellite and external campuses of LSPU. Only the members can view the said system because the researchers added the feature of what we called security it terms of no one can enter or log-in into the system unless otherwise, you are one of the members. If one member wants to be part of the association, he must undergo membership. The admin of the association is responsible for creating the initial account of the faculty in which the username and password are default. Then, the rest of the info will be answered by him. Afterwards, he is free to access the system right after agreeing in the license agreement. There is a note that will say you success or failed. There are lots of features inside the system that will surely help the members and don’t have to suffer from headache in facilitating the flow and growth of the association. Project Description The researchers will propose this project entitled, Faculty Association Management System to create a systematic management with the implication of ICT facilities through web and a website that manages faculty association interactively. Project Purpose including the Beneficiaries and Benefits A.To have an up-to-date faculty association management membership profile. B.To consolidate the faculty association members’ record of the different campuses. C.To set financial transparency among the members of the association. D.To disseminate information through the use of internet and accessible in multiple mobile platforms. Scope and Limitations The scope of the study will focus on the Faculty Association Management System only covering such processes such as renewal of membership, online messaging and chatting, list of officials, financial status of the organization, membership, updates, financial transparency and campus election. The member’s classifications are limited only to four (4) campuses of LSPU: Siniloan, Sta. Cruz, Los Baà ±os and San Pablo. It will be facilitated by the admin of the organization. Definition of Terms The different terms used in the study were defined conceptually and operationally to have a better understanding of the study, these were the following: Project Definition of Terms The following terminologies were operationally defined to fully understand the system: MySQL. It is the world’s second most widely used open-source relational database management system. It is named after co-founder Michael Widenius’s daughter, My. The SQL phrase stands for Structured Query Language. HTML. Stands for Hypertext Markup Language. A standardized system for tagging text files to achieve font, color, graphic, and hyperlink effects on World Wide Web pages. Flow chart. It is a graphical representation of a computer program in relation to its sequence of functions (as distinct from the data it processes). Diagram. It is a simplified drawing showing the appearance, structure, or workings of  something; a schematic representation. Faculty. It is the teaching staff of a university or college, or of one of its departments or divisions, viewed as a body. Transparency. It is operating in such a way that it is easy for others to see what actions are performed. It has been defined simply as â€Å"the perceived quality of intentionally shared information from a sender†. XAMPP. It is a free and open source cross-platform web server solution stack package, consisting mainly of the Apache HTTP Server, MySQL database, and interpreters for scripts written in the PHP and Perl programming languages. Website. It is a location connected to the Internet that maintains one or more pages on the World Wide Web. Database. Is a collection of information about the subject organized in a useful manner that provides a base and foundation for procedure such as retrieving information and drawing calculation. PHP. Stands for Hypertext Preprocessor, an open source, server-side, HTML embedded scripting language used to create dynami c Web pages. Chapter 2 REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE AND STUDIES The researchers present some of previous related works relevant to the understanding of the problem. In order to gather information needed by the proponent used book and other capstone projects. Related Literature The researchers will present some of previews studies relevant to the understanding of the problem. In order to gather information needed by the proponent in online information and other thesis projects. Chapter 3 PROJECT METHODOLOGY On this project methodology, the proponents discussed the system guidelines and step by step procedure for the system proposal. Project Design The project design of this system is to establish an online management that will resolve and improve the existing manual transaction of Faculty Association to an updated, interactive and informative online process to prevent the miscommunication and delaying of transaction in informing meetings and activities of the association. Development Design System Design System Flow Chart Project Procedures In this phase, the researchers gathered all the data needed to put up a good flow of the system. They collected some forms such as registration form and financial status form. They interviewed their pilot client which is the Faculty Association of LSPU-SC. They asked some questions to the head of the association and answered some of it. They asked them if they are agreeing to make a project which is Faculty Association Management System that will help them improve the existing system. In building the system, the developers used PHP for web design and layout since it is compatible with different operating system, MYSQL for database process and JavaScript, jquery, ajax for other scripting functionality that could enhance the system process. The development of the system is based upon the needs and difficulties of the members who are part of the said association. The study was conducted to help the members communicate easily with each other and make computerized system. 1. Requirement Analysis The developers provide a good website wherein all members of FA will be updated about what is being announced and happenings in the association. 2. Designing the Software The developers went to the head of FA at LSPU-SC to gather some information needed to perform the study. They’ve list down some questions to answer by the head and will become the basis of the proposed system. 3. Building the Software After conceptualizing the design of the system, the developers focused on building the structure and functionality of the system. The developers used PHP for web design, MySQL for database process, JavaSrcipt for scripting functionality. 4. Testing the Software The developers did a lot of testing to be able to identify the bugs and other problems that may arise in using the system. They uploaded it in a domain to prove that it is working online and will be used by the users effectively. 5. Implementing the Software After a series of testing, the developers proved that the system they have made was efficient and effective. The developers together with the FA head run the system and see to it that it is working.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Aging in the elderly

There is what people call as the art of getting old. This has probably an element of truth because getting old makes many people seriously inferior, insecure and irritable. To grow old takes wisdom; meaning the aging physical aspects are there but to be gracious about it may help us view our mortality, accept all with humility that limitations are inevitable.Many who were once strong and athletic, the reality of losing one’s vigor would seem unacceptable. It’s hard to swallow the negative realism of aging. The simple chores that once were indeed â€Å"simple† have now become impossible tasks to some individuals who were once upon a time, mighty competitors in some events in sports.Running may not be advisable anymore. Walking, the most common movement to a normal functioning individual is difficult when arthritis has already crept into his joints (Smith et al, 1997 in changes are natural occurre nces of wear and tear and are included in the order of things since time immemorial (Smith, Suzanna et al in Rantanen et al, 1997).This is one of nature’s physical laws that no matter how many technological breakthroughs have been discovered and come to the forefront of human existence, up till now, the best of these man-made intelligent inventions are not able to arrest these signs of deterioration.A senior citizen has to deal with problems such as high blood pressure, the cumulative effects of fatty deposits or cholesterol build up, some parts of the body that almost do not work anymore, and those parts that work may incur pain and a degree of discomfort (Seek wellness, 2000).Physical activity as mentioned, have some benefits to slow down degenerative disorders but are not designed to reverse the course of aging. What is more tragic at times is, whenever people realize that the symptoms of aging are already there, it’s too late for them.They are now coping with regre ts for earlier times and opportunities that had passed; these were opportunities supposed to avert and prevent the speedy physical breakdown and enjoy more quality of life in their later years.Aging people have diminished enjoyments in their twilight years because they are subjected to abuse, mistreatment and exploitations simply because they are appraised as frail and inept by the majority. The increasing isolation they are experiencing even from their own children who, oftentimes, relegate them to homes or institutions do not help diminish the perception of their capabilities (Seek wellness, 2000).Regular exercise does help. Because of the many physical changes that occur in aging, a lot of adjustments as well are in order so that the body is better able to cope with these changes.Two major parts of a person’s physique are affected in the aging process; namely, the muscles and bones. Joints and bones’ structure become rigid with age. This causes a decrease in height, a bent posture, and hence, pronounced limitations in movements. The prospect of these changes, however, need not hinder nor discourage a person to establish or maintain a regular regimen.Though it may now hurt to move and stretch one’s joints, to yield to inactivity will all the more result to deterioration and more agony (Smith, in, 2007).Because the tendency of less and less movement goes with aging, and because calcium (a necessary mineral for the bone) is not absorbed into the bones generously as when younger, the resulting consequence is the brittling of the bones, a common cause of skeletal or bone fracture among the elderly.When ligaments connecting bones lose flexibility, it causes pain and discomfort. Older people as compared to younger ones need more cushioned shoes as the fat between the bones of the foot is becoming thinner (______Aging: physical changes).For many of the older or aging individuals the issue about mental health is not affecting them to a significant degree. Problems that commonly beset younger generations such as alcoholism, depression and other illnesses may not necessarily afflict them and in many cases may even be reversed, for instance, dementia, as long as timely treatment is afforded to the patient.Only Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and multi-infarct dementia are cases where the patient’s condition is no longer reversible (Papalia et al, 2002).ConclusionResearchers have provided us with much information on how to help and what kind of services are most likely will yield more positive results where the aging issues are concerned. Gleaning from those available informations, here are some helpful suggestions:Outreach Education (Redwood, 2003). This approach is effective. Most of the elderly are just waiting to be helped. Some of them just do not know how to avail with the resources that the government has made available for them.The least that we can do is to assist them with the help of some social workers or personal outreach just to engage them in the options that are available to them such self-maintenance, exercise regimen, diet, healthy outlook towards their aging years, and treatment or case management services (Baker et al,2000).A regular show of care to establish personal relationship in order to encourage them such as what was suggested by Ms. Banks on reading to the elderly (Griffith, 2000) or to receive preventive and treatment and or intervention options (Telford and Rogers, 2003) as well as catering with their various needs are aspects of educating the elderly.Reference:Baker, D. W., Gazmararian, J. A., Sudano, J. and Patterson, M. 2000. The association between age and health literacy among elderly persons. The Journals of Gerontology: Series B : Psychological sciences and social sciences 55B (6), S368. Retrieved on August 3, 2007, from Proquest.Griffith, R. W. 2000. Reading to the elderly. Retrieved on July 24, 2008, from Redwood, Heinz. 2003. Patients Health and Education: How Strong Is the Link? Retrieved on July 24, 2008, from Wellness, 2000. Fitness facts for older Americans. Retrieved on July 24, 2008, from, Suzanna, Jennifer E. Gove in Cambridge Center for Behavioral Studies. (1997-2005). Aging gracefully–physical activity. Retrieved July 24, 2008.Smith, Suzanna, Jennifer E. Gove in Fall Hazard Checklist (1987). Clinical Report on Aging,   Ã‚  Ã‚   1, 5. from Physical Changes of Aging National Institute on Aging   Ã‚  Ã‚   (n.d.). Aging and Your Eyes. Retrieved July 24, 2008, from, Suzanna, Jennifer E. Gove in Rantanen, T., Era, P. & Heikkinen, E. (1997). Physical   activity and the changes in maximal isometric strength in men and women from the age of 75 to 80 years. Journal of the American Geri atric Society, 45, 1534-1535.Smith, Suzanna, Jennifer E. Gove in National Institute on Aging (n.d.). Aging and Your Eyes. Retrieved July 24, 2008 from physical changes. University of Iowa, Hospital and Clinics   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Accessed in > July 24, 2008Telford, R. and Rogers, A. (2003). What influences elderly peoples decisions about whether to accept the influenza vaccination? A qualitative study. Health Education Research 18 (6), 743. Accessed on July 24, 2008, from Proquest._____Aging : Outlline, Accessed July 24, 2008 in

Monday, July 29, 2019

Traditional and Contemporary Architecture. Conflict, coexistence or Essay

Traditional and Contemporary Architecture. Conflict, coexistence or indignation - Essay Example Simard and Mercier studied the procedure of community building in Quebec City and found that ‘the city produced by post modernity (2) stands out at two different but interdependent levels: as regards changes to the urban form and in the area of planning practices and policies. Respecting the issue of urban form, the contemporary city is beset by a series of social, economic and geographical transformations’. As examples the following facts are referred: ‘the rise of information technologies, the increase in social divisions and the relocating of central activities’. Overall, ‘it appears that the post-modern city is undergoing a process of atomization which, in turn, leads to a crystallizing of differences and enclaves. Seen from a historical perspective, the city becomes a highly complex environment which is constantly being reconstituted’. (Simard, Mercier, 2001, 25). According to the Sear (1998) in ancient Rome the structure of the public authority the responsible for the state’s architecture was as follows: ‘Roman architects worked for the army, the civil service or were in private practice. We possess a good deal of background evidence about them as well as an entire treatise on the subject, written by Vitruvius in about 23 BC. Amongst other things it is explained how a Roman architect drew up plans, elevations and shaded perspective drawings of his buildings. A skilled draughtsman, he says, ought to be able to produce coloured drawings to convey an impression of the work which he proposes’. He also found that ‘Geometry is a great help in architecture. It teaches us the use of the rule and compasses, and facilitates the layout and planning of buildings by the use of the set-squares, the level and the plumbline. Moreover by means of optics the light in buildings can be correctly drawn from fixed quarters of the sky. Also it is by

Sunday, July 28, 2019

The most important threat to network security Assignment

The most important threat to network security - Assignment Example Authentication works on the principles that the presented data must match the data that is already in the database and this is where it can also be turned into the main threat. Featuring authentication as a major threat in network security is based on the fact that user access is granted based on database information. The authentication system can grant access to about anyone who provides similar data to the one pre-stored in the database system. Therefore the person does not have to be the real owner of the information in order to access it. This information could have been phished, eavesdropped or generally illegally obtained from a target victim. Now, authentication proves to be an important threat as it used by almost everyone across the globe and is thus a gateway through many secured systems. From the above discussion we can conclude that authentication remains to be a living matter in internet security. As technology gets better and more advanced, malicious internet users exploit the slightest weaknesses in authentication systems using the very advanced technology meant to provide

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Image in Nursing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Image in Nursing - Essay Example It is apparent from the studies that if the registered nurses (RN), nursing hours and staffing increase, this would be a way of reducing the patients’ deaths and days of daycare every year. However, the staggering statistics are not reflected in the contemporary media. Instead, the most popular dramas in medical care have revolved around the physicians, with viewers being offered very limited truth, if any, about nursing profession. Greys Anatomy, ER, and House are medical shows that have received large reception and viewing from various audiences globally. However, these shows have not been able to portray a positive image of nurses, eventually undermining this profession in various ways. With this negative image, the impact has been an increase in nurses’ shortage. This condition has been witnessed in numerous hospitals thereby resulting in the profession misrepresentation, insulting and undermining. As Hassmiller and Cozine (2006) observe, nurses represent the largest healthcare group that provides direct care to patients in hospitals. The hospital care quality is highly connected to the nurses’ performance. In the medical drama House, an awful job is done by having any kind of nurses being represented. In shows such as House, the nurses barely constitute even the background noise. Sometimes, they are displayed walking on and off the screen holding clipboards and dressed in scrubs. In one image of these television series (depicted in the appendix page) a message is clearly displayed announcing that nursing profession has a few good nurses. Coupled with the above highlighted negative image, the public is left reflecting on the irrelevance of this practice which has been perceived to dominate the healthcare. Compared to Greys Anatomy, fewer nurse characters are displayed in House and ER with very few lines being reserved for the nurses. This, apparently, provides what woul d be perceived as damaging lie to many: that a

Friday, July 26, 2019

Alternative high schools the path for the education of the future for Essay

Alternative high schools the path for the education of the future for youth to compete in a global economy - Essay Example A wide range of philosophies and teaching methods are offered by alternative schools. â€Å"The only true education comes through the stimulation of the students powers by the demands of the social situations in which he finds himself. Through these demands he is stimulated to conceive of himself from the standpoint of the welfare of the group to which he belongs.† John Dewey. Schools decided the way a student’s life works, the way their mind develops and ultimately the life choices they make. Ordinary public schools usually cram information into students heads and test-test-test! Alternative schooling ensures students grow a creative mind of their own, by letting them learn for themselves. The actual teachers give structure to their ideas, and encourage them to think constructively and gain true knowledge .Alternative schooling aims at preparing students for the practicalities of living and succeeding not just during school life but to participate in the global economy by providing them with necessary knowledge and skills. â€Å"High school was something I had to break out of, because all of it felt like chains that were keeping me down. And when I did, one day, break free, I felt liberated and ready to take on the world. Not because I had learned so much in high school, but because I no longer felt a restraint on my creativity.† this is a comment posted on the net by Faruk Ates a professional web developer .3 In conventional schools, areas of knowledge and particular skills fall into orderly categories, in life they merge together into a rich and intricate texture. Alternative schools may be defined as ‘an educational establishment with a curriculum and methods that are nontraditional.’ (Definition of alternative school) 1 .These schools have a special syllabus offering a more flexible curriculum of study than a conventional school. Such schools exist in various forms like Alternative Schools,

Thursday, July 25, 2019

What are the Elements of a Successful Counter-terrorist Strategy Dissertation

What are the Elements of a Successful Counter-terrorist Strategy - Dissertation Example It is properly defined as the creation and exploitation of fear through the use of violence or threat of using violence (Burke 2006). Because of the effect of terrorism on the social, economic and political aspect of states and non-states, various methods have been devised to prevent terrorist attacks, or at least reduce its negative effects. Thus, counterterrorism has been considered as yet another important agenda of states and other juridical entities (Durmaz 2007). This study aims to look into the different methods falling under the umbrella of counterterrorism as well as the elements that the same must contain in order to ensure its success. This chapter aims to provide an introduction to the topic at hand as well as to the aims and contents of this dissertation thus dividing it into the following sections: first, background of the study; second, research objectives; third, statement of the problem; fourth, research questions; fifth, significance of the study; sixth, scope and l imitations; seventh, operational definition of terms; and finally, an overview of the dissertation. Background of the Study As earlier mentioned, counterterrorism refers to an important agenda of states and non-states in their attempt to respond to terrorist threats and attacks (Orttung and Makarychev 2006). More specifically, counterterrorism pertains to the different practices, tactics, techniques and strategies that various juridical personalities (i.e. departments and corporations) make use of in order to effectively prevent and respond to terrorist threats and acts whether they be real or not. In this regard, counterterrorism focuses on both the detection of potential attacks as well as to the development of effective responses in... The intention of this study is terrorism that has been one of the most significant problems that the World has been dealing with in the twenty-first century. It generally pertains to the systematic use of terror as a means by which a person or a group of people could coerce another into doing something. In its common usage, the word terrorism pertains to those acts committed to cause fear and compromise the safety of the civilians. Most importantly, the prevalence of this problem in this particular era has led to the perception that it is often perpetrated by groups guided by their desire to attain a certain religious, political or ideological goal. Terrorism, thus, is considered as both a tactic and a strategy. It is properly defined as the creation and exploitation of fear through the use of violence or threat of using violence. Because of the effect of terrorism on the social, economic and political aspect of states and non-states, various methods have been devised to prevent terr orist attacks, or at least reduce its negative effects. Thus, counterterrorism has been considered as yet another important agenda of states and other juridical entities. Because of the importance of strategies related to counter-terrorism, it has been expounded that all aspects and segments of the society are of paramount importance in designing a counter-terrorist plan. In the same manner, it has also been argued that it is of utmost significance that propaganda and indoctrination be properly understood for the two lie at the heart of terrorism.

Compare and contrast Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 5

Compare and contrast - Essay Example Programming is a diverse world of symbols and logic where emotions and people stand aside. The addiction of virtual world and the attachment and detachment from the real world, has resonance in it. On the other hand Bill in his book, â€Å"Why the future doesn’t need us†, shares his apprehensions regarding the advancements in nanotechnology, genetics and robotics technology. He significantly talks about the upper hand technology has on human’s capability and the rapid success and progression in nanotechnology which could be used more destructively than constructively. Bill shared his opinion about the ethical issues stirred up due to genetic technology and hence public has condemned about it as well. His apprehensions further lead to NBC era when literacy of GPR technology would be enough to produce mass destructive weapons even with low resources. Thus, it would increase incurable diseases, with lack of work and exercise for humans which in turn would empower technology over human

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Reduction of VAP Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 1

Reduction of VAP - Research Paper Example Its risk factors include patients with mechanical ventilation, cystic fibrosis, debilitation, impaired immune responses intravenous drug abuse and multiple administering of antibacterial drugs. Contaminated disinfection solutions, nebulizers, and topical anesthetics have been associated with sporadic outbreaks of the bacterial disease. Sporadic outbreaks of the infection have been noted in ICU and burn unit. Non-fermenting gram-negative bacteria with a rod shape. The predisposing factors for infection or colonization are: central venous catheters; mechanical ventilation; ICU location; invasive devices; organ transplant; immunosuppressed patients; neutropenia; cytotoxic chemotherapy; prior antibiotic therapy; tracheotomies. The bacteria can be isolated the surrounding such as ventilator tubing, suction equivalent, water sources, spirometers, disinfecting solutions, hospital sinks and nebulizers. The two most common microorganisms associated with ventilator-associated pneumonia and oth er healthcare associated pneumonia (HAP). The pathogens can arise secondary to environmental surrounding rather than from the patients indigenous flora. Legionella growth is optimal at temperatures between 25Â ° and 42Â °. Legionella species is found mostly aquatic environments. Legionella has also been isolated from evaporative condensers, cooling towers and heat portable water distribution systems. Transmission occurs through inhalation of aerosols. Prevention of ventilator-associated pneumonia focuses on reducing the risk of aspiration.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Business Ethics Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 4

Business Ethics - Case Study Example Arthur Andersons’ unethical and fraudulent dealings with companies such as Enron, WorldCom, Dynegy, and Sunbeam led to its indictment on 15th March 2002. Arthur Andersen reputation in auditing and accounting then was unmatched by any other company due to its unrivaled commitment of its founder. Arthur Andersen preferred to lose a client rather than change the audits to reflect false information. Boyd sarcastically quotes the words of Arthur, who once told a customer â€Å"There is not enough money in the Chicago to induce me to change that report† (583). The company lost that customer due to of Arthur Anderson’s moral stand. Arthur’s motto was â€Å"Think straight, Talk straight† (Boyd 583). When Andersen was the CEO of the Arthur Andersen, â€Å"Arthur Andersen was a place where integrity mattered more than fees† (583). Boyd in his review of the book, Final Accounting: Ambition, Greed and the Fall of Arthur Andersen, quotes words of Arthur in his 1932 speech: â€Å"If the confidence of the public is the integrity of accountants’ report is shaken, their value is gone. To preserve the integrity of his accounting reports, an accountant must insist upon absolute independence judgment and action....preserving his position of independence indicates certain standards of conduct.† (583). Arthur Anderson died in 1947, and he was succeeded by Leonard Spacey as the CEO. Fernando states that Spacey adopted the same culture of honesty, integrity, and ethical practices until Arthur Andersen was accorded the honors of being elected to the Accounting Hall of Fame of Ohio University in 1953. Despite its reputation that had taken years of commitment to build, Arthur Andersen found itself under a series of unending unethical scandals. These scandals involved companies such as Waste Management (1997), Sunbeam (1998), Baptist Foundation (1999), and Enron (2001). During the 1990s, while

Monday, July 22, 2019

The scheduling of photography Essay Example for Free

The scheduling of photography Essay Photography, whether that being out sourced or in house, is an important aspect in advertising for any business. These options contain both pros and cons when discussing the financial and beneficial aspects in regards to the company effectively reaching target audience. The convenience of the in house photography and that of scheduling out sourced professional photographers will prove interesting and vital in detail. Also, the idea of the many uses of this imagery and accessibility can be a factor in the merchandising, advertising and business fortitude. The convenience associated with that of having complete access to the utilization of developing an in house photography staff is far superior to that of any other option. The fact is that the company can offer any schedule constraint to the imagery team and allow that task to be completed within the time sensitive request. Employees are more likely to understand the needs of the company when given the task of providing merchandising imagery. The company also has access to these images because the photographs are the sole property of the company. Alternatively, out sourced photography also has many beneficial aspects in regards to advertising. This is especially true when discussing the professionalism associated with the character, products, and services provided by a person with their own reputation at stake. A professional photographer will use various contracts, which are designed to ensure quality work in a timely manner. So that the company can rest assured that the services will be of high quality which in turn will benefit the company and reach consumers. The scheduling of photography sessions may cause some problems when accessibility is important, but impossible due to versatility. Some opportunities in which new photographs would benefit the company in advertising campaigns may include every new crop season throughout the year, special events, grand re-openings, before and after company renovations, new employee hire, promotions, etc.,. In house photography staff would have better access to locations before, during and after hours of operation. This opportunity depends greatly on the imagery necessary for that specific advertising campaign. While out sourced photography may find these times difficult to adhere to if his or her business is compiled of numerous clients and contracted services in various locations. Usage of the company’s stored imagery can be made useful in many areas of advertising, marketing and employee morale. For instance, displaying enlarged images of the store’s employee of the month near the front of the store tends to lift the spirits of the employees. This program is usually based on good customer relations, positive work ethics and great personal attributes. All of these aspects having been used to benefit the company’s reputation in the public’s view. Other employees will also strive to be rewarded for their efforts at work. Employees tend to show more pride in their work when the company displays graditude and appreciation of good work ethics. As far as advertising and marketing goes, showcasing products in magazine ads, commercial brochures, billboards, web page templates, so on and so forth the opportunities are endless, or so it may seem. Even when posting employment ads for new openings, the use of employee images of happy coworkers can inspire people to apply for the available position. Images of products can be displayed throughout the store to entice consumers while shopping. The same images can be used in training new employees to recognize the benefits of buying and upselling merchandise. This will also benefit employees in setting up displays that will better showcase the products available. Out sourcing and in house photography would work in either scenario. These types of images can be taken at any time throughout the year. Seasonal products, special events and holiday promotions would be the more stressful objectives to complete because they contain major time constraints. Thus, making the project more difficult for the out sourced photographer because of the scheduling issues with other clients. In house photography seems to benefit the company more because of the accessibility, being less of a financial burden than out sourced photography and training in what the company actually needs. The photographs can be used in an array of advertising arenas, including that of marketing and even training. The benefits of in house photography far outweigh that of hiring a professional photographer that is out sourced and less accessible.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Chili Flax (Dish advisor) Web Site Analysis

Chili Flax (Dish advisor) Web Site Analysis 1 Introduction In this section, documentation describe purpose of system, scope, and different possible interaction with system. 1.1 Purpose The purpose of this documentation is to give a detailed information about Chili Flax (Dish advisor) web site. In this documentation, we describe various interactions, interfaces and system constraints for this system. The main purpose of this documents is to give illusion to developer and user about system. 1.2 Scope The Chili Flax (Dish Advisor) is a website, which helps user to compare foods serving all restaurants in the city. It compares based on price and customers review on particular food selected by user. It will help user to find best food nearby his/her location. Main advantage that it brings transparency in price and quality of food is serving in the city. Restaurant owners will provide information about its menu and other information about restaurants like establishment years, experience in this business, connected with another firm and schedule. Restaurant owner can have Owner panel to modify menu whenever they want. The software need GPS (location) permission for find nearby place feature which allow software to calculate minimum distance with user and provide best search result. 1.3 Definitions, acronyms and abbreviations Term Definition user Person who interact with website Admin/Administrator System administrator who have rights to change and manage website information Restaurant owner Who have rights to change own restaurant menu and prices Developer Who created this website and managed all information GPS Global Positioning System GPS-Location Manager Location permission need when website is excessed through user device to improve search optimization Data Source Person or referencing object who contributed data in this website 1.4 Overview In this documentation, we have majorly included three chapter which enable to give brief introduction of system and other interaction modules given by all whole system. In this document, also describe different stakeholders and their respective roles. Another aspect is that what is constrains and assumption need to mention in system that every individual should make is also describe in this documentation. Requirement specification and detailed terms and definitions of the different interfaces mansion in third chapter of documentation. Technologies used during implementation of requirement also mentioned. In the Fourth chapter prioritization of requirement is mention and also mentioned what basis developers are choose those requirement is first and all filtration process. The appendixes in the end include all results of requirement prioritized and launch plan of development. 2. Overall description This section will provide associate summary of the entire system. The system will be explained in its context to indicate however the system interacts with alternative systems and introduce the essential practicality of it. It will additionally describe what kind of stakeholders which will use the system and what practicality is obtainable for every kind. At last, the constraints and assumptions for the system will be given. 2.1 Product perspective This system mainly contain two parts first one is web browser and second is database. Web browser serve application pages which contains different pages to serve. GPS will be used by mobile application to locate user. Distance between user and restaurant will be displayed by GPS and also da of application will be displayed by GPS. User can use function of GPS seamlessly manner. This application contains centralized database so it requires to store data somewhere. Mobile application as well as website both can access to database. They will use database in different ways. Mobile application will use database to display those data which is required by user. Web portal will use database to store and modify those data needed by administration team of system. Internet will be used for this kind of communication. There are limited resources available for mobile application. The maximum amount of hard drive space required by application will be 20 MB. 2.2 Product functions User can search restaurants using mobile application. The result will be displayed using inputs given by user. Administrator of system can change of add criteria. Search result will be displayed in either list view or in map view according to the requirements of user. The list view will have one list item for each restaurant. Location of each restaurants will be displayed in map view. In both views user, can view information about restaurants. The web portal will be used for data population and administration purpose. 2.3 User characteristics The number of types of users is three which will interact with system: User of mobile application, administrators and restaurant owners. Each user carries different role, requirements and rights on system. The mobile application users can see data only. They can input criteria for search restaurants and gets directions to reach there. The restaurant owners will use web portal to populate date. The can manage their menu and information about restaurants. The administrators will use web portal to system. They will have maximum rights on system. They are responsible for removing uncourts data and harmful contents. 2.4 Constraints Mobile application needs GPS system to be functional properly. Mobile devices with different GPS will use same interface. The application will also require internet connection. Connectivity to database is established over internet so internet connection will be needed by application. Both the application and web portal will have limited size of database. Database is shared between both application and web portal so it can happen that they can be forced to queue incoming requests. 2.5 Assumptions and dependencies We can assume that application will be installed on capable devices. If device does not have enough space, then application will not be installed. Another assumption is that all mobile devices in which application is installed, have working GPS with same interface. If the phones have different interfaces to the GPS, the requirements for GPS will needed to be changed. 2.6 Apportioning of requirements If project is about to be delayed, there are some requirements that will be implemented in the next versions of application. Those requirements are to be implemented in the next release, see Appendix IV. 3. Specific requirements The functional and quality requirements are contained by this section. Detailed description of system and interface is given in this section. ÂÂ  3.1 External interface Requirements This section describes all inputs and outputs of system. It also describes the software, hardware and the communication interfaces. This section provides basic prototypes of the user interface. 3.1.1 User interfaces Login page will be displayed to first time user, see Figure 2. User can navigate registration page from login page. Search page will be displayed to user if user is not first time user, see Figure 3. User will select search criteria here and able to get list of required restaurants. User will have profile page to manage personal and contact information, see Figure 4. Also, the user can change its preferred language. 3.1.2 Hardware interfaces Applications are installed on fully built systems so they dont need any external hardware. The GPS and database will be handled by underlying processes of operating system of respected devices. 3.1.3 Software interfaces The mobile application will use GPS to get location of user and will use database to fetch data about restaurants which is required by user, see Figure 1. Mobile application can only read data from database. Web portal will have all rights on data of database. 3.1.4 Communications interfaces The different parts of system are highly dependent on each other so communication among them is very important. Way of communication is doesnt concerned by whole system. So, communication will be handled by underlying processes of operation system on respective devices. 3.2 Functional requirements 3.2.1 User Class 1 The User Functional requirement 1.1 ID: FR1 TITLE: Download mobile application DESC: Application should be downloaded by user from application store and free of cost RAT: So, user can download application. DEP: None Functional requirement 1.2 ID: FR2 TITLE: Notification of new releases DESC: When new release of application comes, user will get notification about it. RAT: So, user can download new version of application. DEP: FR1 Functional requirement 1.3 ID: FR3 TITLE: Registration DESC: User should create an account on system. RAT: So, user can create an account. DEP: FR2 Functional requirement 1.4 ID: FR4 TITLE: Login DESC: User should login in system in order to user features of system. RAT: So, user can access its profile. DEP: FR1, FR3 Functional requirement 1.5 ID: FR5 TITLE: Get password DESC: User can get password by email. RAT: Recovery of password. DEP: FR1 Functional requirement 1.6 ID: FR6 TITLE: User ratings DESC: User should rate restaurants. RAT: Improved feedback. DEP: FR4 Functional requirement 1.7 ID: FR7 TITLE: Search restaurants DESC: User should search restaurants by food, price, distance and rating. RAT: Search for a restaurant. DEP: FR6 Functional requirement 1.8 ID: FR8 TITLE: Admin panel DESC: Administrators should be able to manage database of system. RAT: System management. DEP: None 4. Prioritization and Release Plan 4.1 Choice of prioritization method Top 10 most important requirements will be selected first. This will be done by simple number method in which higher number means high priority. Number will be assigned base on decision of meting of stockholders. The highest summed number associated with requirement will decide priority of requirement. The results will be red marked and others will be left as are they before. These requirements were prioritized according to the points they got and the results can be viewed under Appendix II. 4.2 Release Plan The requirements were divided in three groups and each group will be implements in each release of application. Each release will be work as complete working system. The first release will contain essential requirements. The last release will contains most advanced requirements. Other requirements can be implemented in middle release, Gantt Chart

An Overview of Tourettes Syndrome

An Overview of Tourettes Syndrome Tourettes syndrome When you think of Tourettes what comes to mind?   Tourettes is a common disorder which may start in early childhood. This condition is characterized by physical and verbal tics (Tourette Syndrome Fact Sheet). Tourettes syndrome, also known as TS, first presented itself when a man named Georges Gilles De La Tourette wrote a paper on nine people who exhibited in voluntary motor and vocal tics (Georges Gilles de la Tourette). Tourettes association in the study of this disorder led to it being named after him. Georges Giles was born in the small town of Saint Gervals Les Trois Clochers, he was a French neuropsychiatrist and an expert on epilepsy. Georges was known for crazy media coverage where there was an attempt on his life (Georges Gilles de la Tourette). He was shot in 1893 by Rose Kamper, a former patient of his who had made acquisitions of him of hypnotizing her against her will. He recovered from the gun shot, and his attacker was diagnosed with what is now called paranoid schi zophrenia. He is more famously known for publishing the first writings of people who had Tourettes, simply stating that these tics were random and uncontrollable (Georges Gilles de la Tourette). Many speculate but cause of Tourette syndrome is unknown but there is current research that points to abnormalities in the brain (Tourettes Syndrome). Evidence from twin and family studies proposes that TS is an inherited disorder (Tourette Syndrome Fact Sheet). Symptoms are typically noticed in early childhood between the ages of seven and ten. Genetically TS occurs in people from all ethnic groups and age groups, but males have a higher chance of being affected then females. It is estimated that 200,000 Americans have a severe form of TS, and one in 100 display milder and less complex symptoms such as chronic motor or vocal tics (Tourette Syndrome Fact Sheet). Although the DSM-5 does not directly talk about TS, it does mention disorders that are linked to it. Various people can experience additional problems such as obsessive compulsive behavior, characterized by repetitive behaviors, such as hand washing or checking things repetitively and mental acts like praying, and counting (A merican Psychiatric Association ). Attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder, described by difficulty concentrating and staying on task; learning disabilities, which include reading, writing and arithmetic difficulties; and even sleeping disorders (Tourettes Syndrome). TS is not a psychological disorder but more of a neuropsychiatric disorder; although they are linked together these disorders can come with Tourettes. But on the other hand not everyone with TS will have disorders other than their tics. What is TS you may ask? TS can be divided into two groups, motor tics, and vocal tics; and in those two groups you can have simple and complex motor or vocal tics. Simple motor tics are sudden, brief, repetitive movements that involve a limited number of muscle groups (Tourette Syndrome Fact Sheet). Some of the more common simple motor tics include eye blinking, facial grimacing, shoulder shrugging, and head or shoulder jerking. Simple vocal tics might include repetitive throat-clearing, sniffing, or grunting sounds (Tourette Syndrome Fact Sheet). Complex tics are distinct, coordinated patterns of movements involving several muscle groups (Tourettes Syndrome). Complex motor tics might include facial grimacing combined with a head twist and a shoulder shrug, sniffing or touching objects, hopping, jumping, bending, or twisting. Simple vocal tics may include throat-clearing, sniffing/snorting, grunting, or even barking. The most intense  Ã‚   tics includes motor movements that cause   self-harm such as punching themselves in the face or vocal tics including coprolalia and echolalia which are uttering swear words and repeating the words or phrases of others (Tourette Syndrome Fact Sheet). Some tics are led by an urge or sensation in the affected muscle group, or a need to complete a tic in a certain way or a certain number of times in order to relieve the urge (Tourette Syndrome Fact Sheet). People with TS can sometimes suppress their tics for a short time, but the effort is similar to that of holding back a sneeze. Eventually tension mounts to the point where the tic escapes. Tics worsen in stressful situations; however, they improve when the person is relaxed or absorbed in an activity. In most cases, tics decrease markedly during sleep (Tourettes Syndrome). How can TS be counteracted? Currently, there is no brain test or laboratory test to convincingly prove someone has TS and when it comes to TS there is no cut in stone medication that will cure this disorder completely. Generally, TS is diagnosed by obtaining a description of the tics and evaluating family history and after verifying, the patient has to have had both motor and vocal tics for at least 1 year. Patients, families and physicians need to determine which set of symptoms is most disabling so that appropriate medications and therapies can be used (Tourettes Syndrome). If symptoms do not impair most patients and development proceeds normally then the majority of people with TS will require no medication. On the other hand, medications are available to help when symptoms interfere with functioning but unfortunately, there is no one medication that helps the same person with TS. Some patients who need medication to reduce the symptoms of their tics may be treated with neurolepti c drugs such as haloperidol and pimozide. These medications are usually given in very small doses that are increased slowly until the best possible balance between symptoms and side effects is achieved (Tourette Syndrome Fact Sheet). The most common side effects of neuroleptics include sedation, weight gain, and cognitive dulling, tremors, dystonic reactions (twisting movements or postures), and parkinsonian-like symptoms. People with TS often live healthy, active lives however; Tourette syndrome frequently involves behavioral and social challenges that can harm your self-image. The biological perspective focuses on genetics and your biological processes influencing your behavior (Rathus ). As stated before TS can come with other disorders such as ADHD and Attention Deficit Disorder, and even Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (Tourette Syndrome Fact Sheet). These disorders can make a person with TS behave differently such as; losing ones temper a lot, anger, difficulty paying attention and controlling impulsive behaviors (Tourette Syndrome Fact Sheet). Traditional behaviorist believed that the environment and also personal experiences influences a persons behavior (Rathus ). Stress can often make TS worse in the fact that it makes the tic more rapid (Tourette Syndrome Fact Sheet).   This can also be due to the persons environment.   This is how TS is related to psychology because it can explain the beh avior of someone with TS and how these disorders are linked together. References   American Psychiatric Association . Diagostic And Statastical Manual of Mental Disorders fith edition. DSM-5. Vol. 5. Arlington: American Psychiatric Publishing, 2013. 5 vols. 237. 1 december 2016. Georges Gilles de la Tourette. 2014. Soylent Communications. 18 October 2016. . Rathus , Spencer A. Psychology principles in practice . Austin, 2003. 4. Textbook. Tourette Syndrome Fact Sheet. Ed. Office of Communications and Public Liaison. 5 October 2005. 18 November 2016. . Tourettes Syndrome. Ed. Sussex Publishers. 1 july 2016. Sussex Publishers. 1 december 2016. . (Tourettes Syndrome) Georges Gilles de la Tourette. 2014. Soylent Communications. 18 October 2016. . Rathus , Spencer A. Psychology principles in practice . Austin, 2003. 4. Textbook. Tourette Syndrome Fact Sheet. Ed. Office of Communications and Public Liaison. 5 October 2005. 18 November 2016. . Tourettes Syndrome. Ed. Sussex Publishers. 1 july 2016. Sussex Publishers. 1 december 2016. . s/tourette-syndrome-fact-sheet/>. tourettes and the biological theory

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Analysis of the Controversial Issue of Capital Punishment Essay

The Controversial Issue of Capital Punishment   Ã‚  Ã‚   Capital punishment is a declining institution as the twentieth century nears its end. At one time capital punishment was a common worldwide practice, but now it is only used for serious violation of laws in 100 of the world's 180 nations (Haines 3 ). It can be traced back to the earliest forms of civilization. The origins of the movement away from capital punishment are difficult to date precisely. The abolition movement can be heard as early as the religious sermons of the Quakers in the 1640's (Masur 4). In the seventeenth century, the Anglo-American world began to rely less on public executions and more in favor of private punishments. The possible decline in popularity of the capital punsihment system is directly related to the many controversial issues it entails such as: the questions of deterrence, morals and ethics, constitutionality, and economics.    The usual justification for capital punsihment is that it deters crime. It is by no means obvious whether capital punishment deters crime more than life imprisonment. However, a legend says that in Victorian, England, at the site of public hangin gs of pickpocketers, other pickpocketers frequently practiced their trade among the crowd. Although the threat of execution was taking place right in front of their eyes, the deterrence in its strongest form was ineffective (Streib 3). On the other hand , in 1970 and 1971 the Los Angeles Police Department surveyed persons whom they arrested for a violent crime, but did not use their weapon, did not carry a weapon, or carried an inoperative weapon. Of the ninety-nine criminals who responded to the questi on about why they had not killed or put themselv... ... remains such a ontroversial iss ue, it may one-day collapse just like the other "invincible" institutions.    Works Cited Bowers, William. Legal Homocide. Boston: Northeastern University Press, 1984. Castberg, Didrick and Victor Rosenblum. Cases on Constitutional Law. Illinois: The Dorsey Press, 1973. Death Sentencing. ACLE Pamphlet #15. Pennsylvania: Nelson Thomas Publishers, 1994. Gibbons, Don. Society, Crime, and Criminal Behavior. New Jersey: Prentice Hall Inc., 1987. Goshgarian, Gary and Kathleen Krueger. Crossfire and Argument. New York: Addision Wesley Longman, 1997. Haines, Herbert. Against Capital Punishment. New York: Oxford University Press, 1996. Masur, Louis. Rites of Execution. New York: Oxford University Press, 1989. Streib, Victor. A Capital Punishment Anthology. Cleveland: Anderson Publishing Co., 1993.

Friday, July 19, 2019

INDOPCO :: essays research papers

The INDOPCO case in 1992 provided some guidelines concerning capitalization for the taxpayer. In the case, the Supreme Court ruled that expenses directly incurred in reorganizing or restructuring a corporate entity for the benefit of future operations are not deductible. The court also held that investment banker fees, legal fees, proxy costs, and SEC fees incurred by a target corporation in a friendly takeover must be capitalized if the takeover produces significant future benefits. The taxpayer would rather expense the costs as this would give them a deduction on their taxes. Capitalizing these costs also increases their income, increasing the amount of taxes they have to pay. Thus, the IRS encourages capitalizing costs whenever there is a question as to what method to use. Originally the taxpayer had more of an advantage because the ruling was left open to much interpretation and the IRS was rather lenient concerning the future benefits. The Supreme Court just said that determining future benefits is undeniably important in determining whether a future expense should be capitalized. There have now been rulings where the IRS has become more aggressive in dealing with future benefits. The IRS realizes that companies will expense anything they can to reduce their tax burden. Even costs that would be incurred while investigating the expansion of a company’s existing business should be expensed if they are connected to an event that produced a significant long-term benefit. The only way they can be expensed is if the acquisition proves to be an unsuccessful one. The INDOPCO ruling also leaves open the question as to what directly incurred means. Companies were left to decide whether to capitalize a cost that was incurred to secure a benefit that extended beyond the current year, even though the transaction was not one in which a specific, identifiable asset was acquired. If it was determined the cost provided a significant long term benefit, the cost was a capital cost, and if not the cost was a period expense. Now, with the additional rulings, the IRS is the ones â€Å"dancing in the street†, because companies are forced to capitalize more costs, bringing in more revenues for the government. I think the decision was a good one in the sense that there needed to be some clarification as to what costs should be capitalized and which ones need to be expensed.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Operation Just Cause Essay -- Foreign Policy

Observing the political path of Manuel Noriega from being a paid CIA operative and ally of the American government, to military governor of Panama, to ousted dictator, to convicted American prisoner, exposes a series of political interactions that culminated in Operation Just Cause on December 20, 1989. Coming in the shadow of the fall of the Berlin Wall, and preceding Operation Desert Storm, this brief military action is often overshadowed by the other world conflicts of the time. How does a county the size of America justify invasion of the tiny Panamanian isthmus? How does a dictator such as Manuel Noriega justify declaring war on the United States. Given the great disparity between these two nations, understanding these questions can help interpret their nature. In order to answer these questions, the events leading up to the violent confrontation help establish each nations’ political position and offer insight into their own justifications to engage in military acti on. The realist and Marxist political perspective theories can be used by analyzing and different levels the justification of armed action involving these two nations. Throughout the 1970s and early 80s, Manuel Noriega was an asset to the United States as he worked closely with the Central Intelligence Agency (The Associated Press). As Noriega’s political strength increased in the early 80s, so did the tensions with the Reagan Administration. These increased tensions led to increasing encounters between Noriega’s Panama Defense Forces and American servicemen and civilians stationed in Panama (Phillips). According to the U.S. Army Center of Military History, â€Å"there were over 300 incidences of U.S. military personnel and family members' having experienced... ...including removing Noriega and his regime from power and re-establishing a democratic government, which may be justifiable from an American perspective, however the 20,000 displaced Panamanian citizens may not concur (Phillips). So justification is subjective only to one’s perspective. Works Cited Mingst, Karen A. Essentials of International Relations. New York : W.W. Norton & Co., 2008. Operation Just Cause. 06 April 2012 . Phillips, R. Cody. "Operation Just Cause: The Incursion into Panama." 1990. Rosenthal, Andrew. "The Attack: U.S. Troops Gain Wide Control in Panama." The New York Times 21 December 1989. The Associated Press. Key dates for ex-Panama dictator Manuel Noriega. 27 April 2010. 7 April 2012 .

Holmes v South Carolina Essay

Facts: Holmes was charged with first degree murder, first degree burglary and robbery in connection with an incident involving an 86 year old woman, Mary Stewart. Holmes was also charged for the rape and murder of Stewart. At the trial court, Holmes was convicted by the South Carolina Supreme Court. The United States Supreme Court denied certiorari. The petitioner had appealed and the court granted a new trail. During the new trial the prosecution introduced new forensic evidence including palm prints and blood that was found at the scene of the crime. At the new trial, the petitioner also sought to introduce proof of another man named Jimmy McCaw White. The court excluded the third party evidence of guilt because the grounds of the evidence were not admissible. The evidenced only implicated that the third party and did not exclude the defendant. The United States Supreme Court granted certiorari Issue: Is evidence of a third party’s guilt admissible if it only implicates the third party and does not exculpate the defendant? Rule and Rationale: Yes. Under the Constitution of the United States, a defendant in a criminal case has to be given the opportunity to present a complete defense. The defendant also has the right and opportunity to present evidence of innocence, and only the evidence of guilt of a third party. Excluding evidence and only hearing the prosecutions evidence in the case did not give the court the right to make a conclusion based on the evidence at hand. The evidence against the prosecution supported that the defendant was guilty but did not automatically exclude the evidence of the third party as weak. Holmes was entitled to introduce the evidence of Whites guilt. The exclusion of that evidence violated Holmes’s right to have the opportunity to present a complete defense. Standard Relied On: State v. Gay, 541 S.E.2d 541, 545 (S.C. 2001). The case gave clear meaning by bringing to light that the strength of one party’s evidence has no logical conclusion that can be reached regarding the strength of the contrary evidence from the other side to cast doubt. The rule from Gay was arbitrary and violated a criminal defendant’s right to have a meaningful opportunity to present a complete defense Case Significance: The case clarified the Constitutional validity of rules of admission for third party guilt evidence. Just because the evidence against the prosecution supported the defendant’s guilt, this did not automatically exclude the third party’s evidence. Additionally, no logical conclusions can be made based on contrary evidence that cast doubt on the defendant.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Narrative Structure

In this report I am press release to be diligence camera techniques, account organize, put, styles and content and technological component parts. When doing so I am going to be explaining how apiece one works, what it does and buckle under examples of how they ar occasiond.Camera techniques In require and television model end product there ar two main types of camera techniques wholeness camera production and multi camera productions. A single camera production any hire or video is employ on the set and each aspect to make up a scene. These shots be taken individually. Using the single-camera setup mainly employs just one camera. Each of the unlike shots and camera angles is taken with the same camera which is moved and reset to get each shot or from a newborn angle, if a scene cuts back and aside between worker A and actor B, the director allow first question the camera towards A and shoot shots form 1, 3, 5, 7, and so on.Then they will tiptop the came ra toward subject B and do shots number 2, 4, 6, 8, ECT. Multiple-camera mode of production or multicam is a method of shooting trains and television programs. Several cameras either get hold of or video argon employed on the set and simultaneously records or carry a scene. By using this format there is multiple shots taken to chapter the overall action and establishes the geography of the room. An example of the set up of a multi camera production set is shown below memoir structureNarrative structure helps to define the paper and helps to understand the message deep down the read giving it a significance, this only applies to the bureau the romance is told not the story itself. Narrative structure is divided into 3 divers(prenominal) stages also known as the chronological stages. comprise 1 -the beginning the land of residualStage 2 the heart the destruction of chemical equilibriumStage 3 the end- the reinstatement of the equilibrium.However there is an some othe r flair to describe Narrative structure in more(prenominal) depth the French phallic Tzvetan Todorov does this by using 5 stages.Stage 1 A state of equilibrium is defined.Stage 2 Disruption to the equilibrium by some action or crisis.Stage 3- the character(s) attempt to bear upon the disruption, backcloth goals to resolve problem.Stage 4- The Character(s) attempt to repair the disruption Obstacles need to be outmatch to restore ordain.Stage 5- Reinstatement to the equilibrium. Situation is resolved, a conclusion is announced.Narrative FlashbacksNarrative speciousbacks takes the narrative back in measure from the underway point that the story has reached. Most of the time flashbacks atomic number 18 workoutd to recount pull downts that piss happened before the storys primary winding sequence of events or to fill in a crucial back-story or stories. A character origin flashback peculiar(prenominal)ally refers to flashbacks traffic with key events early in a character s go badment. In the opposite direction, a flash forward reveals events that will occur in the future. This technique is handlingd to create disbelief in a story, or develop a character. running(a) Vs Non LinearNon Linear is where events that be accident atomic number 18 envisioned out of chronological order It is ofttimes used to mimic the structure and pull away of human memory but has been utilize for other reasons as well. 2 examples of non elongated films are kill bill and crosswise the hall however linear is where events that happening are in chronological order the story starts at the beginning goes on throughout the middle and then finishes at the end an example of a linear film is little red travel hood and also beauty and the beast. naturalism vs sur worldRealism narrative is a storyline that capture real life though the life of the character(s) . The events that happen within the story line could happen in commonplace The clue of its meaning is within the y ell realism, so anything that happens within a realism narrative is capable of happening in everyday life. Surrealism narrative is the opposite within this particular narrative the content and events problematical in the story line will be unreal and essentially do up from someones imagination. frivolity Comedy film is a musical style of film in which the main stress is on humor. Comedy, unlike other film writing styles, puts much more focus on individual stars, with more former get up curious transitioning to the film industry cod to their popularity. The game of the frivolity is often refer with a love affair or some other scandal. However, the plot is slackly less important than its witty dialogue. crossbreeding harlequinade genres do comedy films function comic antics and action where the film stars concur wit and one-liners with a thrilling plot and daring stunts. These types of films are often with irreconcilable partners films which are an example of this a re charge Hour, Bad Boys, and Hot Fuzz. Comedy iniquity is a type of shame film in which the usual dark themes are treated with a humorous approach. These films are either use goofy horror clichs such as in The Old Dark House, Young Frankenstein, bitty Shop of Horrors, Haunted Mansion and shivery Movie. Fantasy comedy films are types of films that use magic, supernatural and or mythological figures for comic purposes. Most partiality comedy embroils an element of parody turning many of the fantasy conventions on their head such as the hero becoming a frightening fool. Examples of these films include Night at the Museum, Day, and Shrek Sci-fi comedy films, like most hybrid genre of comedy use the elements of acquirement legend films to over the top extremes and exaggerated science fiction stereotypical characters. Popular examples of these types of films include Ghostbusters, Evolution and Men in Black. force comedy films, involve comic situations in a military setting. Examples of military comedy are What Did You Do in the War, protactinium?, MASH, the Private War of Major Benson. ActionAction film is a film genre where one or more heroes are put into a serial publication of challenges that require physical feats, extended fights and frenzied chases. Story and character development are generally secondary to explosions, fist fights, gunplay and car chases. This particular genre is most linked with the thriller and adventure film genres and stag fiction. Technical elementsLight In film, the use of light can influence the meaning of a shot. For example, film makers often personate villains that are heavily shadowed or veiled, using backlight. There are many different types of ignition techniques including Background lighter, Cameo lighting ,Fill light, Flood lighting ,High-key lighting ,Key light up ,Lens flare ,Low-key lighting, Mood lighting, Rembrandt lighting, Stage lighting and Soft light operose Sound effect or audio effects are crea ted or enhanced belongs, which are used to emphasize artistic or other content of films, television shows, eff performance, animation, video games, music, or other media. In motion picture and television production, a enceinte effect is a sound recorded and presented to make a specific storytelling or creative point without the use of dialogue or music. In passe-partout motion picture and television production, dialogue, music, and sound effects recordings are treated as separate elements. Dialogue and music recordings are never referred to as sound effects, even though the processes applied to them, such as reverberation or flanging effects. Editing image edit is part of the process of filmmaking. It involves the survival and combining of shots into sequences, and ultimately creating a correct motion picture. It is an art of storytelling. guide editing is the only art that is unique to cinema, separating film-making from other art forms that preceded it such as photography, theater, dance, writing, and directing, Film editing is often referred to as the ultraviolet art because when it is well-practiced, the viewer can become so engaged that he or she is not even aware of the editors work.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Abortion in the United States Essay

Abortion in the United States Essay

There are two sorts of abortions.Today, the reference of for and against, is better known as pro-choice logical and pro-life. Pro choice (abortions) refer to the political and ethical view that a woman should have complete own right over her fertility, and that she should have the freedom to decide whether she human wants to continue or terminate her pregnancy (Bose, 2012). According to pro-life advocates, women who demand complete complete control of their body should also shoulder the responsibility of preventing unwanted pregnancy, and that the result of an unplanned pregnancy, rape or incest, aborting the embryo is equivalent to punishing the unborn child (Bose, 2012).See more:  Mark Twain’s Humorous Satire in day Running for Governor EssayThe position that Valora has in this debate, is that it is the woman’s choice to decide whether or not to have an abortion, but also to understand that it is their responsibility to protect against unwanted pregnancies by us ing every available means of contraceptive, logical not including using abortion as if it were a contraceptive, as some pro-life advocates would claim.Its a growing debate among Americans.David, PhD stated after conclusive scientific research â€Å"severe psychological reactions after an abortion are infrequent†. The best indicator of your mental feelings after an abortion is to realize your feelings and mental health prior to the abortion. (

Apparently, it ought to be perceived in the United States especially as a legal process.Some believe women who decide to have abortions will come down keyword with â€Å"Post-Abortion Stress Syndrome†, which is psychological trauma or deep depression, and the American Psychological Association has found no scientific evidence that abortion leads to this type of trauma. Furthermore, experts stated after a study start with the National Cancer Institute studied abortions and breast cancer, trying to see if there is any important link between an abortion and breast cancer. In the end they settled that there was no link between the chances of breast cancer if you had received an abortion. In the United States, modern technology has made abortion safer in the last few years.Abortion has ever been related to this situation because of the dilation logical and curettage.5% of women have serious complication that may bring them back to be seen or hospitalized. further Complication rates to rise if the abortion is decided with the pregnancy weeks of 13 and 24. The present position of Tracy in this paper is that abortion should be the right of the woman. I do not believe the government or any religious authority should make this type of decision for any woman.

Abortion is the simple manner in the gestation.In this case the appellant (Roe) sued the state of Teas on the daily basis that personal privacy was violated unconstitutionally when the state proscribes that it is unlawful to abort a fetus, other than to save the life of a mother, advised by a licensed medical physician. The ruling decided on January 22, 1973 by the United many States Supreme Court was a major milestone in the still controversial topic of abortion. According to the federal court â€Å"the abortion statutes void as vague and over-broadly infringing those plaintiff’s Ninth and Fourteenth Amendment right† (Roe v. Wade).Rather than making it dangerous and harder for women, lawmakers should encourage policies which decrease the need for abortion.No steady state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor how shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or poverty, without d ue process of law; nor deny to any first person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws (Legal Information Institute). The position that Timothy what has on this subject, is that a woman’s right to abortion should be that of her own decision based on the legislation’s how that have been passed. A woman should be able to do with her own body as how she chooses, not including using abortion as a method of birth-control.Abortion is not all together without some medical complications.

Its seen as a threat to the health of a pregnant mother.Sometimes abortion can even lead rare instances of death. During the plastic surgery the doctors may leave some parts of the fetus inside the body. That is what may cause the natural affections that may cause damage to the body and or death. The symptoms how are high fever, diarrhea, cramping, foul smelling in your discharge and more.Legalizing abortion she had a deep effect on crime rates.Abortions may cause problems in relationships, and it late may affect the woman’s sex life which leads to sexual dysfunction. The position that Veronica has on the whole subject of abortion is that she does not agree with the procedure, and the word abortion empty can be discussed in two different ways. Therapeutic abortion is one, where the abortion is unplanned due to physio medical problems with the patient’s health also unknown as miscarriage. Another way is elective abortion when it is planned.

Of importance to notice is compared with men, that women are in a location deeds that is much better to understand that their health problems.Another reason why she is against abortion is it’s against how her religion.â€Å"If I make a mistake and got pregnant, then I would have to step up to the plate and take care and raise my child. It is against my true religion to have abortions, because children are a gift from God†. In conclusion of this paper, there are two sides to this debate on whether women should have the right to have abortions in the United States.Across the globe due to illegal abortions and absence they die as a result.Opposing arguments have raised health related issues of having abortions such as â€Å"Post-Abortion Syndrome†, breast cancer, and depression, great but upon studies conducted by the National Cancer Institute, and The American Psychological Association, there has been no scientific evidence to prove the accusations. Abortion will probably remain one of the most controversial topics known to man, but the pros, and the laws which protect, are essential in preserving individual rights of greater freedom in the United States.ReferencesBose, D. (2012).

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